- Andreas Simon - alternative practitioner for osteopathy, neural therapy and chiropractic
Performance overview of the practice
Treatments based on the pillars of osteopathy:
-Visceral osteopathy of the chest and abdominal organs
- Parietal osteopathy of the spine and extremity joints
- Cranio-sacral osteopathy & organ (re)balancing
- Integrative osteopathy
- Lymphatic drainage therapy in osteopathy:
Lymphatics - organ decongestion / lymphatic work / MLD & KPE
- Sports medicine aspects in osteopathy
- Shock wave therapy for deep massage: treatment of heel spurs or changes in the tendon gliding tissue of the Achilles tendon (pre- and post-operative)
- Treatment of severe posture disorders of the spine or other medium and large joints
- Treatment of CMD - temporomandibular joint disorders and ossification disorders after skull openings, among other things as part of tumor removal
- Treatment of scar adhesions with stimulus-reaction chains
Mouth acupuncture according to Jochen M. Gleditsch
Neural therapy - multiple certified by DGfAN
Student of Dr. Ida Rolf - Institute Munich - c/o European Rolfing® Association (*Rolfing therapist)
* Studying at theDGOM (German Society for Osteopathy Medicine) & DGMM (German Society for Manual Medicine)
*Self-employed in my own practice since 2004:
- 2004 to 2008 in Frankfurt am Main
- from 2008 in Bad Soden am Taunus
- from 2020 in Freiburg/St. Ulrich - Bollschweil
Patient information on data protection
Information in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation about the processing of data in medical or naturopathic practices
I hereby inform you about the processing of your data in my practice.
1. The head of the practice is responsible for data protection and the maintenance of patient data!
Andreas Simon
Sankt Ulrich 23A - 79283 Bollschweil/Hochschwarzwald - Breisgau
If you have any questions, please contact the practice management directly! Tel.: 0160-2536950
2. Purpose of data collection: Only address data and telephone number(s) and existing illnesses and illness data.
3. There will be no forwarding of data unless this is expressly requested
4. Patient rights: You can arrange for your data to be deleted at any time; only the invoice numbers and treatment dates remain as documentation.